Before Repairs
Our System Design Specialist conducted an extensive inspection on the home, this was crucial to determine the most reliable waterproofing solution.

During SunHouse Install
To install our SunHouse Window Well Enclosure the crew first excavates the area around the window well to ensure proper placement and alignment. Next, the durable, clear, UV-resistant enclosure is carefully assembled and attached to the window well, providing a secure, weather-resistant cover. The enclosure is then sealed to the foundation, ensuring a tight fit that enhances the appearance of the window well.

Installing IceGuard
Our IceGuard Discharge Line System helps prevent clogs and freeze-ups in the sump pump's discharge line during cold weather, ensuring continuous water flow. This system provides year-round protection by allowing water to escape even if the discharge line becomes blocked or frozen.

The Benefits Of SunHouse
By installing our SunHouse Window Well Enclosure we ultimately protect the crawl space windows from water, debris, and pests while allowing natural light to brighten the space. Its durable, UV-resistant design helps maintain a dry, clean, and safe environment.

Fully Installed SunHouse Window Well
Thanks to our SunHouse Window Well, we have protected this crawl space from further moisture-related damage, while providing this homeowner with a renewed sense of pride in their home!