Aberdeen Building
Front view of our new building.

New Construction in Aberdeen
Close up of our building in Aberdeen, NJ.

Building Construction and Window Replacement
Construction continues, as we add new windows and clean up our new home.

Outdoor view
An outdoor view of the back end of our building.

Back lot
One of the new things we are looking forward to is having a ton of storage space and places for all of our trucks and vehicles to park!

Back view
The back view of our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey

Construction Continues
Construction Continues in Aberdeen, NJ with the help of our sister company Quality 1st Contracting.

The Quality 1st Team Hard at Work
An inside look at the new building.

Ceiling Work
Quality 1st working on the ceiling

Spray foam
A closer look at the ceiling construction while our crew works on the insulation

Look Inside
Our new home will be complete with a company cafeteria and gym!

Office Space
Quality 1st is home to more than 100 employees. The more office space the better.

Dr. Energy Saver
Dr. Energy saver located in CT came by our new home to make it more energy efficient.

Quality 1st Basement Systems and Dr. Energy Saver
Quality 1st teamed up with Dr. Energy Saver to make our new home "green."

Quality 1st employee working on the insulation in Aberdeen, NJ.

Construction Floor Planning
The construction plans continue in Aberdeen, New Jersey for our new building.

Owner Tom Roman Overlooking Construction
Quality 1st owner Tom Roman overlooking construction with his crew.

Building under construction
A closer inside look at construction in the new Aberdeen building.

Window installation
The building's construction is coming along with the installation of all new windows

2 story floors
New building location will consist of 2 floors for all employees and their work areas

Insulation Is Complete
Insulation has been completed on the ceiling of the property and is ready for the next step.

Crew hard at work
Construction crews continue to bring in new work materials to get the job done. As you can see there is more progression each week.

Windows and lighting
The installation of windows and lighting are just about finished.

Foundation Supportworks stops by!
Working on new construction in the rain is no easy task but with the help of Foundation Supportworks of NJ, Quality 1st is ready to go.

Clean-up and construction continue
The construction process continues.

Forklift Help
With the help of a highlow forklift materials are easier to maneuver.

Pipe Installation
The team making excellent floor cutting progress in preparation for a new pipe install.

Team hard at work
The Quality 1st team is hard at work to get the job done!

Indoor Construction
The inside of our new building continues to be constructed by our team of hard working professionals.

Still more Progress
Everyday our staff makes more progress on the construction of our new building.

Construction Materials
Construction materials and tools

Together as a team the construction of our new building is running smoothly.

Indoor Lift
Lift getting prepared to install final insulation

Quality 1st on the scene
The Quality 1st team ready to continue work on our new building.

Exterior work with the help of Storm Master

Outdoor view
Exterior work on our new building

Second floor
The second floor of our new home is on it's way.

First and second floor
A closer look at the first and second floor

indoor view
Quality 1st team hard at work

Quality 1st crew
Our crew hard at work on the second floor construction of our new building

front indoor view
The first and second floor along with staircase in the process of construction

Old 84 lumber building
New home to Quality 1st Companies!

Work Materials
Hard at work using the proper tools and equipment to continue construction.

Construction tools
Our crew is always hard at work using the proper materials on all building construction.

New Ceiling
A view of the ceiling under construction.

Second floor view of our new office building in Aberdeen, New Jersey

Second floor framing
Framing continues on the second floor with our crew hard at work

Staircase connecting the 1st and 2nd floors

Clean up
The Quality 1st crew is always clean and efficient

Building in progress
Each day more and more work gets completed on the new building. Construction continues to progress...

Insulation, windows and more!
From this angle you can clearly see all of the progression formed from day one.

Corner view
Inside the corner views

Two floors
Our new office building will have two floors for all of our staff and employees.

Structure Framing
Getting ready to frame the second floor.

Second floor offices
Management offices located in the second floor in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Quality 1st crew working on the second floor
Working on the second floor.

Hard at work
Everyday the Quality 1st crew gets a bit closer to their goal

Work in Progress
1st and 2nd floor is coming along..

Indoor view
Work station and 1 part of our new building.

Quality 1st
Quality 1st Contracting is lending a helping hand!

Plenty of Space
This new building will be home to our 100+ employees.

Storage Space
We have more then enough room to store all of our materials as we continue to work each day.

Back view

Construction tools and materials

Cinder blocks and other materials used for the construction of our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Spring is officially here as we continue working and building our new home.

Tom Roman
Owner Tom Roman stopped by to check out the progress of the new building construction in Aberdeen, NJ.

Statewide Mechanical
Statewide Mechanical located in Rahway, NJ. came by to lend a helping hand.

Indoor work
1 side of our new building

Office Space
1 st floor office

ceiling view

Sun shining in on our new building.

Job site
the work site

second floor
Working on the offices for the second floor

Building storage space
storage units

Lighting is getting installed by each work station.

Quailty Concrete
Quality Concrete stopped by to pour some concrete and take a took at the new building.

Top View
Smart car visiting the new building.

Basement Smart Car
Top System Design Specialist Dan McNally came to visit the new building in Aberdeen, NJ.

ALL Things Basementy!
Company car strolling thru the new building.

Job site
Our future office space.

Working with music
It's always better to work with your favorite tunes playing in the background.

Back view
The back view of our building.

Second floor construction
Construction continues on the second floor of our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Construction materials
Our new building is always full of our work materials, making more and more progress each day.

New home
The old 84 lumber building is the new home to all Quality 1st Companies.

Hard at work
Quality 1st hard at work.

General Manager Bob Cherry overlooking work getting done at the new building
Quality 1st Basement Systems is dedicated to providing superior home improvement services. We look forward to expanding our business in our new and improved building.

A day of work
We all need tools to complete a job well done. The old 84 Lumber building in Aberdeen, NJ is coming along right on schedule.

Since the beginning of our journey and working on our new home in Aberdeen, NJ. we have come a long way.

Top View
Looking down onto the second floor at the progress so far.

Team Hard at Work
Quality 1st workers getting materials to continue construction on our new building in Aberdeen, NJ.

Tom and the crew
Quality 1st owner Tom Roman with some of the crew.

We are Ready
Ready to put up some walls at the new location we will call home.

One of the hallways at our location.

The walls, the walls
A ceiling and floors is the only thing missing to make this complete.

New Lighting
Lighting at the new building.

Supplies for work

Second Floor Office
Offices on the second floor are close to being finished.

Workway entrance
Working on one of the entrances to the new building.

Wall Insulation
Insulation on the walls.

Work Inside
Working on the inside of the new building.

New work space
Just the right amount of light needed t continue building our new location in Aberdeen. NJ.

Paint Samples
Paint samples for the walls of the new building

Slowly Saying Farewell to our Old 84 Lumber Building
Indoor view of our crews in the old 84 Lumber Building in Abderdeen, NJ.

First and Second Floor of New Aberdeen Location
Fist and second floor of our new Aberdeen NJ building.

First and Second Floor indoor view
The new building in Aberdeen, NJ is progressing more and more each week.

Second floor view
Continuing construction on the first floor.

Interiror view
Walls of sheet rock are installed.

A peak into the Sales Office
A view of our Sales Office in the new building in Aberdeen.

Sheetrock has been put up! The walls are almost ready to go in Aberdeen, NJ.

1st and 2nd Floor
1st and Second Floor view with sheet rock, in Aberdeen.

Work Materials
Office space.

Executive Office
Office on the second floor.

Outdoor view
The outdoor construction of our new property is coming along.

Doors are in place!
Our men are hard at work installing doors and some final touches before our big move to the new building in Aberdeen this fall!

One of our entrances into our new location.

Sales Dept.
Our new sales office is coming along nicely.

Office Space
One of our new offices in the process of construction.

The upstairs offices for President Tom Roman of Quality 1st Basement Systems.

Office Entrance
Entrance to one of our new offices in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Inside Sales
An indoor view of our sales office for Sales Manager Steve Ludlow.

Half finished walls
Wall tilings are on their way to almost finished.

Tiling on the walls in this beige color is a nice touch.

Work on a sunny day
Great weather to work.

Quality 1st team hard at work
Planning the beams.

Company bathroom is coming along nicely.

Walls are in place at the new location in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

New location, main entrance view
Our new building in Aberdeen has more than enough space for our 100+ employees.

1st Floor view
1st floor view of our offices and to the second floor.

Beautiful new office

A lot of new space to work with

Construction is almost done

Office Space
Great new workspace

Beautiful new doors

New open upstairs

Beautiful reception area

Brand new employee gym

New Kitchen area

Nice new cabinets

Nice new doorways

Great view of upstairs

Upstairs 2
Nice view of the second floor

Office Space
Spacious area for new offices

Open area
Beautiful wood doors

Production Office
The production office at our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Stairway to Executives
This stairway at the center of our building will lead to the executive offices for Tom Roman, Bob Cherry, and Cathy Vamos.

Kitchen Bench
One of the lunch areas in our new office.

Training room
Our new facility will have a full sized training room for our service, production, and staff members. Webinars and trainings will take place on a regular basis.

Call Center
Our call center staff will be happy to work in their new and improved work section.

Warehouse view
Warehouse in Aberdeen, New Jersey

Gym Room
A gym room for staff to work out during free time and after hours

Bathroom Stalls

Warehouse Interiror
Interior view of the warehouse

Back yard
The back area of our new building warehouse in Aberdeen, New Jersey

Storage Space
Storage space at our new facility.

Quality 1st
Quality 1st Equipment in Aberdeen.

Meeting in Progress
Meeting at the new building to discuss the big move!

Warehouse Space
One view from our bigger and better warehouse to store our products.

Larry's Garage
Garage in Aberdeen for our go to mechanic Larry.

Our new warehouse has tons of storage space for all of the products needed to improve your home.

Parking Lot
Our new parking lot is ready to go. Plenty of space for all Quality 1st Basement Systems Employees.

Building Front
The front view of our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Fully Equipped Weather Station
Weather station ball. If the ball is wet, it's raining in Aberdeen, N.J...

Weather Station
Weather Station forecast.

Building Entrance
Entrance to our new facility in Aberdeen, with receptionist desk in place.

Executive Offices
Executive offices above.

Left Entrance View
To the left of our company entrance we have the conference room and sales office.

Right Entrance View
To the right of our company entrance we have the kitchen and gym.

Conference Room
Conference room ready with projector and t.v. All we need is the table and chairs.

Training and Practice make Perfect!
Training room for all Quality 1st Employees.

Company kitchen area with T.V. refrigerator and more!

Kitchen Corner
Kitchen also includes oven and microwave.

Sales Dept.
Office space for our hard working sales personnel.

Call Center Dept.
Call Center reps will be working closely as a team in their very own office space.

Call Center
Call Center features a t.v. for training, and more!

Marketing Dept.
Marketing Department office space for Marketing Coordinator and interns.

Gym Time!
Work out equipment for our employees.

Gym space
More work out equipment for Quality 1st employees.

Bathroom Stalls
Bathroom stalls and sinks are in place.

Service and Production
Service and Production departments.

Company security cameras.

2nd Floor
View from the second floor of our new facility in Aberdeen, N.J.

Executive office television set.

Executive Office
Office located on the second floor.

2nd Floor Path
Walkway on the second floor.

Office Space
Executive office space

Bathroom is almost complete.

Office furniture for the new office.

Layout is coming along for this office space.

Larry's Garage
Mechanic garage is getting finished.

More room than ever
Our new warehouse is spacious enough to store all equipment, materials, and products ready for use.

Warehouse for Quality 1st Comapnies
Warehouse for all Quality 1st Companies.

Quality 1st Company warehouse.

Storgae Space
Storage space in the building for tools.

Large storage room in the warehouse for all tools.

Almost Complete
New building is almost complete.

Additional Space
More space in our warehouse.

Second floor warehouse view.

Outside view
The side view on the outside of our new building in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Back View
Back of the new building.

Back view
Warehouse back view entrance.

Back of Warhouse
Space in back of the warehouse.

Machinery storage
Quality 1st Companies machinery.

Quality 1st Companies machinery.

Garage is almost done!